
Mystera legacy reddit
Mystera legacy reddit

mystera legacy reddit

I have been able to find a multitude of videos showing possible ways for either of these places to be raided. I DO NOT recommend you leave your items on the floor of a house in either the "safe" town of Wellington or the player kill zone of Galebrook. There is no banking system present in this game as of my writting this guide.


It seemed less stressful to just go with 25, but feel free to test out things for yourself too! My way isn't the only right way, just a guide on how I leveled personally to help out other new players after all!Ģ. Training them a level or 2 lower might also work, as of now I haven't tested how low you can have them and still reach character levels 60-70. It is possible to hit the reincarnation level by training each of these skills to just 25, then training the skill you wish to reincarnate slightly higher. Galebrook Skills (no experience penalty, but death from other players is possible and therefor experience loss is likely): Dagger, Sword, Hammer, Spear, Pickaxe, Axe, Destructionġc. Wellington Skills (experience penalty applies): Farming, Foraging, Fishing, Cooking, Smelting (fast, but not recommended for your first 1-5 reincarnations as getting enough ores to train it take longer than just supstitituing a different skill), Chopping, Mining Use Galebrook weapons training time to remove this so that destruction becomes a usable skill for gaining character levels again. Turning pvp on will give you the time needed to wait out this 'serenity' condition. The only way to get rid of this seems to be spending the same amount of time outside of these towns. Note: time spent in the 'peaceful' towns of Wellington and Newbie Village gives you what the developer calls 'serenity', if your character has this, you can not use destruction as a skill to obtain character levels.

mystera legacy reddit

I will break them down into skills easily trained in Wellington verses the one's that need to be trained in a house in Galebrook: Here are the skills I recommend for easy character leveling. Weapon skills will need a small base built in the pvp zone of Galebrook however, as the time spent on myst for a alternate character is prohibitive compared to just building and maintaining a house large enough to allow for weapons training.ġb. Even with the experience gain penalty built into any leveling done within the Wellington map, I leveld up a multitude of skills perfectly fine there. Sadly, this also includes training dummies. Every structure in Wellington costs myst to repair. It simply wastes time you could be training skills to reach your carn level at this point instead.ġa.


Since so little myst is actually needed for first carns, I would also not recommend buying any of the Sage skill (this upgrade grants a percentage bonus to the myst received when killing mobs). I do not recommend you buy any of the lasting legacy upgrades at this point as it costs 500 myst for the first level and with skill mastery 3, the refund (even with 5 of the scholar upgrades) is only around 300 myst. Skill mastery 1 is 100 myst, skill mastery 2 is 500 myst and skill mastery 3 is 1200 myst, for a total of 1800 myst. Purchase only skill mastery level 3, anything more is a waste of time because character level 60-70 is easily obtained with just that. Mystera Legacy Solo Player's Guide to Early Reincarnations

Mystera legacy reddit